Sunday, October 31, 2010

Treasury of my last day above London Hide Park

And now over Hyde Park for this new day I find more inspiration in London. It rains so often a small umbrella is very helpful, always a logbook to tell my story and some beautiful images of nature and several books to pass the time when there is too much fog and I can not see all these fabulous scenery and many more things with me can find it all here

KandiceInWonderland, SimpleJoysPaperie, vintagenowandthen, burnabe3, marbled, timelessNchic , aforfebre


  1. Seeing the hot air balloon treasuries has been such a wonderful journey! Thank you so much for including my Raven Paperweight among all these treasures! :)

  2. How delightful to be introduced to your blog and get to follow on your journey, Yann! I'm honored to have one of my books here, and will enjoy reading your entries!! -Kandice :-)
